Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Movin' and Groovin'

Eleni has been practicing standing up on her own:

She hasn't managed walking alone yet, but she sure likes to move around:

Want to cha-cha??

See you soon! Thanks for coming by my blog, y'all! 


ayn rand said...

An angel on earth! I had no idea Eastern Europeans had rhythm. Nor do I know geography very well, so she may not be Eastern European after all...if I had a blog, you could post to me what she is. I need a blog. Maybe me and Sasha. Allen has volunteered to be our photographer. It will be a lot of photos of Sasha sitting on me.

Anonymous said...

Just find a cute kid and hijack their cuteness for your blog! Actually, I might be super lame since I have neither children nor pets to exploit. Only quasi-nieces. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

youre way better at updating than mary kay is, and youre in medical school! :) i hope she reads this muahahahaha