Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cell Phone Update: MetroMover Ride

Eleni is a city girl. She takes the MetroMover train to and from daycare every day! Lulian and I picked her up the other day and on the ride back we snagged some sweet seats in the front of the car. It looked like we were floating over the city on our ride home:

Eleni's latest word (in addition to everyone's names, "baby", and "two"): yogurt (or "yogi", as Eleni calls it!). 


ayn rand said...

OMG she is growing into such a lovely child. I love her!

Good for you, Eleni, using mass transit. You're so green.

Anonymous said...

Um, it's been a month now, and no Eleni. I'm in law school here, I need something cute and idealistic to take my mind off of this mindless drivel! A little help here, please.