Thursday, April 24, 2008

Special Message from Bubs!

Uncle Lulian has been working feverishly on final projects and exams for the spring semester. With less than a week to go, he needs a little extra motivation. Special Guest Blogger Bubs passes along the following message:


I know right know you may feel like this:

Or, maybe even like this:

And I bet you wish that instead of studying, you could be doing this:

Or maybe this:

But don't worry. You're less than a week away from straight As! And then you will feel like this:


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cell phone photo update. Vintage!

Hankollaris hypnotized by Bubs and Chubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little Helper

Since taking to the ground running, Eleni has been getting into everything in her quest for entertainment and nourishment.

Here she is, contemplating her next move:

Why not help Grandma unload the dishes?

Let me get that for you!

Next mission: FIND FOOD

Yum, cucumber! How else do you think I keep my girlish figure?

Hey, this thing looks like fun:

My work here is done!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Eleni speaks. Finally!

She's got a smart mouth. Just like her Uncle Luli.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Splish Splash!

For her first birthday, Eleni received an inflatable kiddie pool from one of her generous friends! She brought it with her on a visit to Lizzy's house. The water was a little cold, but Eleni managed to convince her elders to tote buckets of warm water from the shower to add to her pool. Ridiculous but true!

At first, unsure:

Aunt Lizzy gives a splashing demonstration:

Looks like fun! I'll try it:

When the water was warm enough for Her Highness, she got in:

Oh man, this is great!! What was I waiting for?

Jolly grins:

Come on in, the water's fine!

Handy hide-and-seek bucket:

Note to self: no pet fish for Eleni...she likes to throw them out of the water. 

Sleepy girl:

Not pictured here: the poopy water after we stupidly took off her (loaded) swim diaper while Eleni stood in the pool, the 45 minute tantrum during her bath afterwards, and the messy watermelon-eating at lunchtime. 

What a fun day! 

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Recent Recap

Check out these recent pictures of Eleni & co:

Snoozing with Dad before he goes to work:

Chillin' out with G-ma on the balcony:

Little purple lady:

Is it too soon to potty train??


I missed you, now let me chew your cheek (she's working on kissing):

Ben looks like a referee in this vintage pic:

Ugh, Mom, come on, not in front of my friends (another old one):

Cheeeeeese-y grin (this one's old, no teeth on top yet!):

In other news, Lizzy and Luli did a test-run of a delicious recipe that they hope to share with MK, Megan and Gayle when they come to Miami for a day before they fly out to Paris! We will also set a place for Em who is flying out of New York. Sorry Milli! We'll eat your share!