Thursday, April 24, 2008

Special Message from Bubs!

Uncle Lulian has been working feverishly on final projects and exams for the spring semester. With less than a week to go, he needs a little extra motivation. Special Guest Blogger Bubs passes along the following message:


I know right know you may feel like this:

Or, maybe even like this:

And I bet you wish that instead of studying, you could be doing this:

Or maybe this:

But don't worry. You're less than a week away from straight As! And then you will feel like this:



Anonymous said...

Oh, Sammers is so sweet :)
Good luck Luli!

MK said...

Good luck Luli! Suck it up!

Anonymous said...

good luck lules i am coming to miami soon be prepared for me to steal your precious niece!

Anonymous said...

more eleni please

ayn rand said...

kick ass luli!