Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little Helper

Since taking to the ground running, Eleni has been getting into everything in her quest for entertainment and nourishment.

Here she is, contemplating her next move:

Why not help Grandma unload the dishes?

Let me get that for you!

Next mission: FIND FOOD

Yum, cucumber! How else do you think I keep my girlish figure?

Hey, this thing looks like fun:

My work here is done!


Anonymous said...

what a cutie. i love perusing the niece blogs in my free time :)

ayn rand said...

love the cuke picture! now I now what my :diet" is missing! I also think I should show this series to Allen... hint hint.

PS - you all saw B&C about Sammy's 1-yr professional pics. I'd be willing to chip in for Eleni's professional sitting once I have a job. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

aw i'd throw in like 10 dollars too. since thats about all i can afford. update please?